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R = \frac{Vca - Vc}{Vc} \cdot 100 Temos: I_c * 400 \angle 0^\circ V_c = 2\cdot 400 \angle 0^\circ \bar{I_c} = 50 \angle 8^\circ A V_i = 2 \cdot I V_{cd_{(p.u.)}} = 2,09 (8^\circ + 50)^\circ \alpha = (80,7 + \theta) \Vec{V}_{ca} = \vec{V}_{Z} + \Vec{V}_{c} Por fasores: \text{(Diagram and equations)} Vy = Vz + Vc\cos\alpha \theta = \text{cos}^{-1} \left(\frac{50\cdot 2.09}{2\cdot 2400}\right) = 91,25^\circ \text{(Equations and calculations)} \alpha - \text{80,7}^\circ = 91,25^\circ - 80,7 = 10,55^\circ f_p = \cos\theta = 0,98 \text{diferencial (p/ regular alus)} \text{(Diagram)} \text{(Equations with variables)} \text{Refletindo // AT:} \newline \text{Z}_a = \frac{2400}{2,400} \text{ (Equations and calculations)} \text{Tomar:}\newline \bar{I_c} = 2,400 \angle 0^\circ \frac{A}{(0,24+ 0,10)+(j 0,9+ j 0,6)} = 11,91\angle 53,4^\circ A \text{(Equations and calculations)} Questão 4 \newline (a) \text{{Transformador:}} 2400/240 \text{{V}}, S=25\text{kVA} \newline I_{f1} = \frac{25k}{2400} = 10,42\text{A} \newline I_{n2} = \frac{25k}{240} = 104,2\text{A} \newline \text{{Autotransformador:}} \newline I_{n2} = 104,2 + 10,12 \approx 114,62\text{A} \newline I_{na2} = 104,2\text{A} \newline S_e = 2640 \cdot 101,2 = 275,08\text{{kVA}} \newline \frac{V_{na2}}{V_{n2}} = \frac{N_{1}}{N_{2}} = 1,1 \newline \text{{(Diagrams and equations)}} \newline (b) \text{{(Diagrams)}} \newline V_c = 2400 - \frac{(1,7\ast g 65) - 12h}{301\ast 19,16} \newline L_p = S \cdot I_{d1}: 114,16*301,4 = 385,984\text{{VA}} \newline L_p_ \text{{perder}}: \quad 385,9 \ast 0,5 = 192,9\text{{kW}} \newline P_\text{{perders}}: P_{ferro} = \frac{2400}{414}\cdot 139W \newline \text{{P.Cobre}}: R(1,14I_{na})^2 \newline \text{Pabo}: \newline 1,21\cdot P_{n2}(I_n)=168,2 \text{W} \newline \eta = \frac{P_{L1}}{P_{{or}}} = 99,8
